Market overview: Color negative films (Dec. 2017)
I have updated my market overview (1) about the widely available color negative films, still in production (with prices from the German retailers Macodirect / Nordfoto / Fotoimpex).
With Fuji and Kodak, there are only two color film manufacturers worldwide left. CineStill processes Kodak motion picture material, Agfaphoto, Lomography and others are sales brands.
Unfortunately, FujiNotFilm is further minifying its product range; in addition to the Natura 1600 (2), Superia 200, 800 and 1600 are also reported to be abandoned soon (3).
If you need fresh sheet film, you can only buy Kodak Portra – but for that, you get fantastic material in different sizes (4).
Technically outstanding image quality, however, is increasingly no longer the primary criterion for the choice of film material. Especially the old emulsions provide colors that make them interesting alternatives to semiconductor-based photography. Those who have the right ambitions should fill their freezers in time: available stock from reputable sources ist quickly going away.
- (1) Martin Frech: Market overview: Color negative films (Aug. 2016). Online: → Market overview: Color negative films (Aug. 2016) [2016-09-28]
- (2) ↬ [2017-12-19]
- (3) Kosmo Foto: RIP Superia? Fujifilm shelves more films. Online: ↬ [2017-12-19]
- (4) ↬ [2017-12-19]
![© Martin Frech: Sonnenblumen | CineStill 800T in C-41], Konica Hexar RF, Voigtländer Nokton 1.4/40mm © Martin Frech: Sonnenblumen | CineStill 800T in C-41], Konica Hexar RF, Voigtländer Nokton 1.4/40mm](Martin-Frech_Foto_UUID-737ed2f7c021f490.jpg)
© Martin Frech: Sonnenblumen
CineStill 800T [in C-41], Konica Hexar RF, Voigtländer Nokton 1.4/40 mm
Citation recommendation:
Frech, Martin: Market overview: Color negative films (Dec. 2017). In: Notizen zur Fotografie, 2017-12-21. Online: https://